Great gifts for globetrotters

With so many people taking to the roads, rails and skies, shoppers can customize their gift lists when shopping for people who have caught the travel bug.

By Metrocreative John Denver sang about “leaving on a jet plane,” inspiring many to take a flight to parts known and unknown. Millions of people travel to and from the country every year, with TravelPerk estimating the market size of the United States tourism sector at $798.81 billion in July 2023. Tourism took a hit during the global pandemic, but

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Study finds travel can reduce impacts of premature aging

A study published by Science Daily shows that leisurely travel activities can help alleviate chronic stress, reduce overactivation of the immune system and even promote the healthy functioning of the body’s self-defense system. [Schantalao/Dreamstime/TNS]

By Mia Taylor | TravelPulse (TNS) While travel junkies probably don’t need another reason to justify their wanderlust, it seems there’s new research out showing that being a globetrotter can be a great way to prevent premature aging. A study published by Science Daily shows that leisurely travel activities can help alleviate chronic stress, reduce overactivation of the immune system

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Find the right volunteer opportunity

By Metrocreative Giving back to one’s community can provide a sense of purpose and improve an individual’s overall well-being. Data from Volunteer Hub indicates that people who volunteer improve their health by strengthening their bodies, improving their moods and reducing stress. Volunteerism also produces additional benefits, including boosting one’s positive perception to others. A study from CareerBuilder found 60% of

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