Purple irises at Ivy Green: Paula Kelley, Jenia Bradford maintain ground at the historic home

By Chelsea Retherford | Living 50 Plus Master Gardeners Paula Kelley and Jenia Bradford have been members of the program long enough to find areas they specialize in, but both gardeners credit Betty and Dennis Balch for building the Shoals Association into the organization it is today. Bradford said the Shoals Master Gardeners owe some of their biggest ongoing projects,

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Moderate-intensity activities that can improve overall health

Exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. The current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services indicates adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week. But what constitutes moderate-intensity physical activity? Moderate-intensity physical activity gets the heart pumping, but only around one in five adults and teens get enough

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What is the ‘silver tsunami?’

By Metrocreative The United States is changing, and observant individuals may notice the nation is skewing a little older than it has in recent years. Estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau indicate roughly 56 million Americans had reached age 65 by 2020, which marked a nearly 39 percent increase since 2010. The increase in the population that has reached traditional

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