Roughing it smoothly: Mickey and Linda Haddock have visited 46 US parks, 50 states

By Chelsea Retherford | Living 50 Plus When Mickey and Linda Haddock purchased their first Class A motorhome, the Florence couple had already done an extensive amount of traveling around the country — mostly from their van and mostly with their pets, Lola and Loulou, a tortoiseshell cat and a Pomeranian. Months following Mickey’s retirement from city government in 2016,

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‘Marines like Marines’: Conley Detachment has grown from 15 to 80 members in 3 years

By Chelsea Retherford | Living 50 Plus Curtis Griffith retired from the U.S. Marine Corps in 1993, but the Marine Corps League — a congressionally chartered veterans’ organization for marines — remains an integral part of his life 30 years later. “Marines like Marines,” Griffith answered when asked about what drives him to stay so involved with his detachment in

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